During a few millennia, we have come to the conclusion that we love pets. Little furry animals are definitely our weak spot. And most of us can’t even imagine our childhoods without these loyal companions. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, cat, parrot, or even a hamster. All of them have a special place in our hearts. But, like all living things, they experience pain and old age too.
What are the most common pet problems, and how can CBD Oil help?
Since the most common pets are dogs and cats, we will look at things from these perspectives. First of all, we’ll talk about dogs. They are incredibly playful, and they want to run around and go everywhere possible. They love to play and outgoing as they are, they do it. But, with that much physical activity, injuries are bound to happen, and sometimes they experience inflammation. Click here to read more.
Inflammation can happen to their muscles, or only by old age. And no living being is immune to getting older. But, that may obscure them when it comes to playtime and going out for walks. This can lead to them feeling sad and depressed most of the day. No one likes to see their pet in a weakened state, and that is where CBD oil can help out.
By giving them a few drops every day, the symptoms they have will disappear. It’s important to note that CBD oil is different from the hemp plant. The plant itself has more than a hundred different compounds, one of them being cannabidiol. But, it also has THC, which is not suitable for pets of any kind. This is the psychoactive part of the plant, and it can cause a lot of problems for them.
On the other hand, the CBD is an extract which helps in relaxing the muscles. As well as inflammation, it also helps out in irritable bowel syndromes, all types of pain, and seizures such as epilepsy. According to a lot of vets, it can be used for cardiac benefits, improving appetite, as well as anti-nausea. However, it also has a few side effects.
The most common side effects are dry mouth and drowsiness. A lot of research has shown that administering CBD oil reduces the production of saliva, and that causes dry mouth. In order to combat this, you can simply give your furry friend more water than usual, and the problem will be solved. Another thing is drowsiness since it has a lot of calming effects. This may cause your pet to sleep more often. Check out the link for more https://www.holistapet.com/.
Additionally, when it comes to cats, people mostly use it for its anti-anxiety effects. Cats are startled a lot, and they often get scared. Most of the time, this can be the event such as going to the vet, driving them in a car, fireworks, or a lot of loud kids playing outside. With a few drops before the event, your pet will be calm and won’t be bothered. Just like in dogs, the same things apply when talking about inflammation, appetite, and all sorts of pain.
How do you know which product is good?
Now, there is a ton of info on the Internet regarding what’s the best product. Everyone claims it’s their own product, and you can get confused. Luckily, there are a few guidelines that can help you decide. The first thing you should look out for is whether the oil is organic. This is quite important since some synthetic oils may have fungicides, solvents, or pesticides.
The simple rule is, the higher the price point, the better the product is. However, that might not often be the case. So, spend a few minutes more and do some research on your own on the compounds in the oil. As part of the study, you need to see the amount of CBD in the product itself, so you know how much of a dose to give.
Finally, it’s best to get oil instead of a treat. This way, you can measure the dose each time and see whether you need to increase it or reduce it. And it’s easy to do it since you are doing it drop by drop. Start off with a smaller dose and see how your pet reacts. If you see no substantial effects, you can try to increase the dosage and see how they react.
A few final words
Before you do anything, you must schedule an appointment with a vet. They will tell you whether to use the oils or not. Since marijuana is legal in most states now, you are more likely to get an unbiased opinion. There is a trend on pet wellness and CBD oil, and you can get as much info as you can.