Experiencing panic attacks is tough. When you have one, you won’t know what you’re going to do. People around you will think that you’re weird. Various factors can trigger panic attacks, and these are some tips to help you get through them.
Deep breathing techniques
When you start to panic, you need to breathe. You are hyperventilating right now as a result of fear. As you start breathing, you will relax. Start feeling the air moving in and out of your chest. You will begin to calm down, and eventually, you won’t be shaking anymore.
Recognize that it’s a panic attack
As soon as you have one, you need to realize what you’re going through. You will then start to think that it will eventually pass. It’s a temporary problem caused by the situation you’re facing. You will survive it and come out alive after it.
Close your eyes
When the environment is too tough for you to handle, you need to close your eyes for a while. Forget what’s going on and think of a happy place. Even if you do it for five seconds, it’s enough to calm you down. Remind yourself of what makes you happy and comforted to forget the stressful situation.
Practice mindfulness
Some people need a quiet space to practice mindfulness. When you’re beginning, it’s a requirement. Eventually, you can practice mindfulness even when you’re in an inappropriate situation. It allows you to feel your emotions and relax. Whether it’s the texture of your jeans or the moisture in your palm, you will feel it and divert your attention. Having a firm grasp of reality makes you forget that you are having a panic attack. Breathing techniques are also crucial for success in mindfulness.
Focus on one object
When you start panicking, you need to divert your attention to other things. The best option is to look for an object and check its details. Describe the patterns, shapes, and size. You need to focus your entire energy on observing it, so you will forget that you’re in an uncomfortable situation.
Try light exercises
You don’t have to be in the gym to start exercising. Even if you’re in an uncomfortable situation, you can still exercise. Simple movements will suffice to make you forget what you’re going through. You can stretch your hands or bend forward. You can jump around too if it helps. The goal is to stop having negative thoughts at that moment. Make sure though that the exercises are not too strenuous since you might be having a hard time breathing at that moment.
Seek help when you keep having panic attacks
You will survive the ordeal, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen again. Make sure that when you experience further panic attacks, you know what to do. There might be other problems that you’re going through right now, and experts could help you. Visit website resources to learn more about your condition, and so you will know more about the services available for people who have panic attack episodes.
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