The brain is used to work in severe cases only in the presence of drugs. Drugs are substances that act directly on the brain, including alcohol or cigarettes. When someone consumes for a long time, he or she leaves traces, specialist says, who do not get to fix themselves, perhaps, all their lives.
We can imagine this situation as people passing through a park. If enough people move through the grass, at one point, that grass is rotten and does not grow. A new path is being formed. The same happens with the drugs. If they are consumed for a long time, they create some mechanisms through which the brain interacts with these substances.
The withdrawal
The brain is used to function in severe cases only in the presence of the substance. When someone tries to give up those substances, those paths created over time remain there. The brain does not change quickly. It will take time for the grass to grow again. The person needs time to get used to a life without consumption. It will be a period of transition in people and they will experience what is called lust.
In the first stage, for a period of 7-10 days or longer, withdrawal symptoms, physical symptoms through which the body suffers because it no longer receives the substance. There is trembling, sweating, flu-like symptoms, rhinorrhoea, lacrimation, and bone pain. Consumption after these withdrawal symptoms, which can be alleviated with medication, follows the period in which the brain begins to function without dependence on the substance. Find out how to pass a urine drug test naturally.
Even if the patient is no longer physically ill, he begins to experience a lust. This is not proof that the person is terrible or unmotivated, but is merely the way this pass from consumption to nonconsumption. The brain does not change so quickly; it needs to accommodate the new state of abstinence.
Some people can experience lust for years after they no longer consume it. There are smokers, for example, who reappear from smoking after ten years. Somehow these ways continue to remain, but they are becoming weaker. As the person accumulates more abstinence, these episodes of lust are growing weaker in intensity and more rare.
If people have consumed for long periods of time or even become addicted, it is possible that these pathways appear for the rest of their lives, but more rarely, the psychologist explains, and the motivation for change is essential in this case. Severe dependencies should be treated with specialized treatment because the person no longer has the voluble ability to resist cravings.
Treatment depends a lot on the person because some are more impulsive, others have more self-control. One to be addicted and homeless and unemployed and another is to be dependent on your family and a job. However, in a socially conditioned man, an average treatment lasts between three and six months, but contact with a psychiatrist, psychiatrist, should be kept for about a year.
It grows at temperatures of 18-25 degrees and has a height of 1-1,5 m. It is cultivated in South America, and currently, there are 400-500,000 ha cultivated.
Presentation modes:
“Cut,” mixed with other substances to achieve a purity of 10-30% and packed in small packages of paper or aluminum or thermo used a straw. The arrangement of white crystalline powder as snow.
Administration modes:
– “sniffing” – snapping with a straw.
– Speedball “- injectable as a solution or in combination with heroin or morphine.” freebasing “- mixing cocaine with a solvent or alcohol, heating the mixture and inhalation of the released vapors. The danger of explosion – “paste” or “basuco” – is smoked in producing countries mixed with marijuana.
Drug use is a matter of great importance and complexity for society, but especially for a particular age category. This consumption often means hope or a challenge for young people, but also a problematic reality for parents and teachers and a significant signal for society. The most significant drug problems appear to occur during adolescence, because it is the age at which a person’s need to identify, to understand, to be found, both himself and that around him, appears. During this period personal experiences begin, but also the age of discovery of reality. Click here.
According to studies, it would seem that there is a powerful desire for individuals, a kind of “hunger” to discover and know surrounding circumstance in all its forms, hypostases, and its profound meanings. Drugs can take the way of these extreme experiences, and how they can be encountered more and more often in adolescent environments, they can present real danger. For example, in school environments or other areas frequented by adolescents, there is a phenomenon of imitation, very dangerous in terms of drug use.