You might not consider taking food supplements when you are young, as you believe that you are strong enough and your body can still absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat. It’s not the same when you’re older, since your body does not function in the same way. Due to these differences in body function, taking food supplements after age 40 can be a good strategy.
These are some signs that your food intake is not enough to provide you with the necessary nutrients.
You always feel tired
You might realize that when doing some activities, you do not have the same energy anymore. You can still remember when you had the strength to run for several miles a day, yet today you cannot even walk two miles without sweating profusely and getting exhausted. Your body might lack Vitamin B12, if you have lots of food restrictions including meat. Food supplements can be an effective way to provide missing B12 to your current diet
You feel depressed
There are tons of reasons why people feel sad. Although it is usually psychological, it can also happen because your food intake isn’t adequate, or your food is of low quality. When you replenish your body with the right nutrients, your mood can definitely improve, allowing you to look at things more positively.
You have dry hair and nails
You might miss the time when you had healthy hair and shiny nails, and today, you suffer from having brittle hair and dry nails all the time. Apart from aging, these symptoms might occur because you spend too much time in the sun. You might also have used tons of products over the years that have led to the damage, so you need to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin B complex, zinc, and Vitamin C. If your diet lacks these vitamins and minerals, you can turn to supplements to provide them.
You always get sick
Unless you have an autoimmune disease, you might also get frequently ill because you lack the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. You need to eat food with Vitamin C, as it helps fight diseases, and zinc is also another crucial nutrient. Find food supplements that have high amounts of these nutrients to avoid infections in the future.
You have a hard time sleeping
Problems getting to sleep at night are another sign that you need food supplements. If you cannot get enough sleep, you will be cranky the next day and it also affects your productivity. Therefore, you need to make sure you take food supplements that are rich in Vitamin B and E. You also need calcium, iron, and magnesium as they all have positive effects on sleeping habits.
You experience muscle pain all the time
It is quite common for aging people to have muscle strains and leg cramps. You might attribute these problems to your age, but they could also happen due to the lack of Vitamin B1, calcium and magnesium. When you have enough nutrients, you can even hit the gym like when you were in your early twenties since some of the supplements for men over 40 allow you to regain that level of strength.
You can enjoy exciting and energizing benefits when you take dietary supplements. Depending on your age, you can add supplements to your diet that can help you regain and maintain strength, better immunity, improved skin condition and more. A balanced diet is the first step to better health, and supplements can help you achieve many more of your health goals.