We all know that couple that is constantly breaking up and getting back together. Or maybe you are that couple (hey, it happens). These types of relationships are characterized by a state of heightened emotions, volatility, and retribution. In a love-hate relationship, partners have strong feelings for one another but are inconsistent in their actions. Even though these relationships have a tendency to cause more pain than purpose, it can be hard to break free of the cycle because the couple has a shared history and dependence on one another.
There are ways to stop the love-hate relationship cycle if you and your partner are willing to address the underlying, unaddressed causes at the root of your breakups… here are some of our favorites:
- Cultivate healthy non-romantic relationships
Maintaining and cultivating close relationships with friends and family will make you less reliant on your partner. That means that after a bad fight and subsequent break up you will be able to lean on friends, NOT your ex. These close friendships can also provide important insight into your relationship that you may be missing because of your proximity to your partner. Close friends and family want the best for you and can offer guidance on your relationship.
- Prioritize your mental health
Love-hate relationships can be super taxing on your mental health, which is why it’s important to engage in some serious self-care. Exercising, journaling, painting, meditating, or cooking are all great ways to soothe yourself emotionally and process any complicated feelings attached to your on-again-off-again relationship.
- Consider the Root of the Conflict
You must understand why you and your partner are always breaking up, and whether your disagreements are even reconcilable. Is there something that you and your partner can change to make the relationship work? Or is the root of your conflict a deep-seated incompatibility that will always create problems? Understanding why you are always breaking up will help you understand how to break your relationship cycle, whether it’s through committing to the relationship, or deciding to call it quits once and for all.
- Try Relish
If you and your partner are committed to working on your relationship but don’t have the time or money to sort things out with a face-to-face therapist, turn to Relish! Relish is an affordable and convenient relationship coaching app that provides personalized lesson plans, research-backed personality quizzes, and 24/7 access to a real relationship coach. Relish’s experts are qualified to help you identify negative behavior patterns and address the conflicts that continually affect your relationship.