When we think of braces, we often imagine adolescents wearing them, since it has been a common practice to have adolescents or young people wear braces to correct misalignment of teeth or other dental aesthetic issues. But nowadays, adult braces have become quite the norm, as more adults are opting for braces in order to have a better smile – and often, better health as well. If you are considering getting braces for yourself and you are an adult, it’s the perfect time to do so. There are more options available and you can definitely take advantage of certain advancements which make braces easier to wear. Here are the top reasons why more adults are choosing to have braces – and why you should, too.
A variety of choices and options
As mentioned, you now have a variety of choices when it comes to having braces made for your teeth. Nowadays, you can hardly notice adult braces, thanks to advancements such as clear brackets and lingual braces, as well as other technological breakthroughs in the profession, as experienced orthodontists from Ashburn VA, like those from the American Braces Smile Center will tell you.
What’s more, adult braces today are made and designed to be less invasive, even if you opt for classic metal brackets. This is because the metal brackets used today are smaller in size compared to the metal brackets used in previous years.
Not just a better smile – but better health, as well
When you have braces, you don’t just get the chance to improve your smile. While everyone loves a winning smile, with the proper braces, you can also improve your dental health. When you have straight, even teeth as a result of braces, you can reduce the buildup of plaque, which often collects in the crevices in between teeth. If your teeth remain crooked or misaligned, plaque can easily build up, and when this happens, you are more likely to develop dental issues such as gum disease (and mind you, gum disease has also been connected to other, more serious conditions, such as diabetes and even heart disease). If you have straight teeth, you can brush better, which contributes to better dental health overall.
Your choices in braces
There are several choices for you when it comes to adult braces. Of course, you can always go for traditional metal brackets, but you also have the option of clear braces, which, as their name implies, are clear – they are hardly noticeable. Clear braces make use of clear glue, which is applied to a bracket which also has a clear colour. Your other options include lingual braces, which are the latest in orthodontic technology.
With all these choices, adult braces have become a more feasible option – and you’ll have that winning smile before long which, will also help create more happiness in your life!