One of the most talked-about products in the world of holistic medicine is cannabidiol, or CBD. This cannabis-derived oil has been proven to reduce stress, improve sleep, and create an overall sense of relaxation to those who consume it. For many who live with chronic illness, depression, or other medical disorders, CBD products can drastically ease symptoms. Many have heard of this newfound remedy, but not all know the ins and outs. So what exactly is CBD, and where can someone purchase some?
The science of CBD
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of nearly 60 naturally-occurring compounds found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its counterpart THC, cannabidiol has no psychoactive properties, meaning those who take it will not have any euphoric experience or enter an altered state.
The human body is home to the endocannabinoid system, or ECS. This particular system regulates various aspects of human physiology, primarily in the brain, endocrine, and immune systems. There are two major receptors within the ECS known as CB1 and CB2. Taking CBD activates CB1 receptors within the hippocampus and cerebellum, therefore enhancing a person’s mood and reversing biological symptoms of anxiety and depression. CBD also activates the CB2 receptors which control inflammation, immune system functioning, and pain management. These two receptor interactions make CBD a common aid for those with chronic ailments and mental disorders as well as those looking to reduce daily anxiety.
How can one take CBD?
CBD is available in a variety of intake options. Once the CBD has been extracted from the cannabis plant, it’s combined and diluted with either hemp seed oil or coconut oil. CBD patches, sublingual oils, tablets, even salves and lotions are then produced for intake.
Given there is no one-size-fits-all dosage for CBD products, it’s important to research intake based on individual needs. There are a few contributing factors for proper dosage including the person’s weight, the severity of their symptoms, and the potency/concentration of the CBD product. Online sources such as CBD Insider provide consumers with thorough reviews and advice on a wide array of products, dosages, and other important information for CBD intake.
Given its natural state, CBD is safe to take without risk of interaction or side effects. That being said, there are a small percentage of people who will have a slight reaction to CBD based on allergies, etc. It’s always best to try any new product or remedy in a safe space until a person knows how their body will react.
Where can you buy CBD?
When CBD is searched online there are thousands, if not millions, of options available. In order to find the best quality products, researching a brand before purchasing is key. Many online sources will sell CBD marked products, but upon further review contain mostly hemp seed oil or coconut oil with only minor traces of CBD itself. In order to get the best possible products, it’s best to choose a brand that has third-party testing done with a comprehensive breakdown of the exact ingredients and dosage.
A prime example of quality CBD products is CBDistillery. All of their products are non-GMO, lab tested, made in the US, and US Hemp-Authority certified. They provide consumers with an assortment of CBD products including sublingual oil, capsules, isolate, and topical creams. Companies such as CBDistillery will often offer discounts for veterans, active military, fire fighters, police officers, and EMTs. Anyone in these fields of service can contact their sales department with a valid ID and receive a discount on any and every future purchase.
Whether the desire is to ease the symptoms of a chronic condition or just boost overall wellness, taking CBD products on a regular basis can be the perfect choice. With the proper research, and after trying various dosages and brands, the benefits of taking CBD are endless.