Should you discover your air conditioner is not functioning well, you need to take corrective action to ease your discomfort. Approaching an experienced technician offering 24 hour AC repair services, especially in the summer heat, is a wise option when you want to ensure the issue in your unit is resolved at the earliest and in the best possible way.
When your cooling unit releases hot air instead of cold, you need to have it examined. The reason behind this can be attributed to a dirty filter or a non-functional component that complicates affairs.
In either situation, a specialist familiar with the mechanism of this electrical appliance can rectify the malfunction. An AC professional accessible all year round can effectively help create a comfortable indoor environment.
Reasons for No Cold Air Blowing
If your HVAC unit stops circulating cold air, you can consider calling a technician offering 24 hour AC repair services to restore your device’s functionality. Enumerated below are six probable reasons responsible for your AC system’s inability to blow cold air:
Low Refrigerant Level
Refrigerant is an essential fluid component as it absorbs heat from your surroundings. When its levels are low or non-existent, your air conditioner may stop cooling. Refrigerant leaks are also a possibility which a bubbling or hissing noise indicates. A tiny leak is tricky to diagnose and fix and best left to the specialists.
Choked Air Filter
AC filters choked with dust, dirt, and other airborne particles block the air passage. The indoor cooling reduces when the airflow is blocked, and if left unattended, your system could shut down completely. AC technicians remove the filter to examine it closely for hair trappings, pollen, lint, and other unwanted particles.
Incorrect Thermostat Setting
The thermostat settings should be positioned for cooling operation instead of heat. Checking the thermostat settings draws your attention to its positioning. Instead of on mode, position your AC thermostat to auto mode so that its fan works while the air is cooling.
Faulty Motor
When your AC has a broken or faulty fan motor, its outdoor unit fails to dissipate heat. This interferes with your device’s cooling ability. Trained repair technicians possess the skills and knowledge to resolve such an issue. You should trust only an experienced pro to restore your faulty motor.
Frozen Evaporator Coil
The evaporator coil refers to an indoor component of your air conditioning system. As warm indoor air travels through the coil, the latter removes the humidity from the environment to circulate cooler air. A frozen evaporator coil is responsible for inadequate cooling and the subsequent hike in your utility bills.
Damaged Compressor
A vital component of your AC unit is its compressor, as it manages the refrigerant flow. This component can wear out with time and fails to effectively cool air when damaged. When damaged beyond repair, your compressor needs replacing. Hiring professionals experienced in this domain is the most feasible solution in such cases.
Allow the experts to regularly examine your AC unit and service it so you are never left stranded. Proactive maintenance is ideal for retaining your appliance’s efficiency and functionality. Any neglect on this front will burden you with heavy expenditure as ignoring faults only escalates your problems beyond control.