Finding the perfect balance between work and play is an age-old dilemma, and it’s relevant in many different aspects of life. Whether it’s a straightforward dichotomy of career versus partying or more of a nuanced issue retaining hobbies while pursing professional goals, it can be difficult to always get it right.
But the key to getting this right isn’t necessarily a quick fix – there is no one answer, and achieving balance in one moment doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to maintain it forever. It’s constant hard work and adaptability, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.
Here are some tips for achieving a healthy balance between work and play.
Always Be Aware of It
One thing that can be said about trying to strike this essential balance is that it isn’t something you achieve once off and never have to worry about ever again. Rather, it’s the complete opposite – it’s something you work on constantly and should always be looking for ways to improve.
Things change – whether it’s your role at work, your hobbies, your romantic situation or your social life. And if important aspects of your life change, so too must your balance between all thee different things.
If you take on a more demanding role at work, you may need to cut down a little bit on going out during the week – but you should still make sure you make time to socialise when you can.
Conversely, if you start dating someone new, you may want to spend less time working late and more time with your significant other. But that doesn’t mean you should neglect work altogether and sacrifice things that are important in your professional career to keep a relationship alive.
It’s all about constantly evaluating how our life is changing and trying to adapt to those changes in happy and healthy ways.
Set Goals in Your Professional Life
Setting goals is always an important way to help yourself make progress and work towards the things that are important to you. It can be easy to get distracted by other things – whether it’s friends, family, the exciting games at Black Lotus or a TV show. But having your professional goals clearly set out will help you keep on track while making time for your loved ones too. That way, you get the best of both worlds!
Set Your Own Boundaries
Boundaries are important in all spheres of life, and it’s super important that you have them both at work and in your social life. Set healthy boundaries at work – including how much time you want and need to dedicate to your career per week, month or whatever – and stick to them. Decide how much time you want to spend socialising during the week and on weekends, and be clear with your friends and partner about it.
Setting boundaries means that you need to express these limits to those around you – at work and your friends – and stick to your own rules and limitations.