The college application process can be tedious and demanding for so many high school students. It’s natural for involved parents to want to jump in and help where they can. In fact, some parents may even get a little too involved in the application process from choosing schools or trying to steer their child’s decision. There are plenty of reasons why a parent may pressure their child to attend a certain university. Conversely, there are plenty of reasons why parents shouldn’t be the ones to make that ultimate decision for their kids.
If you are a high school senior, you’re on the precipice of a major life decision. Hold your own and make sure you’re playing to your strengths and not falling into a pattern of just doing what your parents want you to do. At the end of the day, your admission decision should be yours alone. After all, you’re the one who has to be in school for four years. Here are a few other reasons why high schoolers shouldn’t let their parents make their college decision.
Students may prefer to talk about their college plans with professionals.
Teenagers can often be seen as rebellious or desperate to find a sense of independence. For that reason, you may not want your parents super involved in your college decision. Instead, consider utilizing a college application consultant near me to help you get into your dream school. This mentor will be truly on your side and help you with every step of the college admission process. Thanks to years of experience, these college admissions consultants can offer you assistance with essays, test scores, resumes, interviews, and more. Get help from people that aren’t as close to you and will listen to your true needs throughout the entire process with the right counselor for you.
Some parents are living vicariously through their students.
A big reason why parents shouldn’t be the ones to choose their student’s college is that they may allow their dreams to overshadow their child’s desires. Many parents end up living vicariously through their kids. An example may be a retired football star demanding his son play quarterback when his kid would rather be in the school musical. This can often blind even the most loving parents to their child’s true needs and a school that would be the best fit for them.
Parents may prioritize status over a good fit.
Proud parents are some of the most supportive in the world. They can also end up applying unnecessary pressure to their high school students. When it comes to college admissions, there’s a lot of pride and status involved in getting into a top university. It’s natural for parents to want their kids to go to Harvard, Yale, or other well-renowned universities. The truth is, these rigorous programs may not be the right fit for everyone. While your parent may have good intentions, it’s still good to go with your gut and what school you really want versus a school that has prestige just for the sake of prestige.
At the end of the day, the student will have to do the work.
While it’s true that parents just want the best for their children, the students themselves are the ones who have to make it through four years at a university. They have to do the work, go to classes, make friends, and exist on that campus. No one can make those big decisions about where to study and live other than the student themselves. This is the biggest reason why parents should take a step back and allow their high school students to make their college decision based on their individual needs and wants.