We all have that bucket list of places we want to visit in our lifetime. I myself want to visit the United Kingdom and Australia. However, daily obligations can put a damper on your travel plans. It’s important to make time for vacations as it can even improve your health! In fact, there are multiple reasons why taking a vacation is important.
Reason #1: Vacations Decrease Your Stress Levels
Constantly working and putting yourself in a stressful environment is terrible for your health. In fact, overworking is known to cause depression and worsen the symptoms of anxiety. A study that was conducted in 2010 found that those who took time off for a vacation showed an increase in overall happiness for the weeks preceding and following their trip. Don’t forget to take a break every once in awhile and take time for yourself, your overall mental health will thank you in the end!
Reason #2: They Increase Your Overall Knowledge
Traveling around the globe not only opens the door to once in a lifetime experiences, but allows the participant to immerse themselves in a new culture. You’ll be able to sample traditional dishes and observe entirely foreign customs. This opportunity allows for employees to return to their companies with fresh ideas and a new outlook on how to solve situations using methods learned during their travels. Vacations are meant to be a way to reset your mind, so take every opportunity you can to give your brain a much needed break.
Reason #3: You’ll Notice A Physical Difference
There are numerous health benefits linked to taking vacations, such as lowering the risk of heart disease and heart attacks (if you take frequent trips). Also, your travels will most likely keep you away from the confines of a room so you’ll definitely feel the burn as you take the time to explore your surroundings. Your newfound energy boost from the exercise might even return home with you, as studies have shown the effects (mental and physical) of taking a vacation can last for up to 8 weeks after returning. Imagine it, seeing incredible sights while also getting in shape!
Reason #4: You’ll Feel More Productive
As I said earlier, taking a break is crucial to lowering your stress levels and keeping your mind feeling happy and healthy. Humans aren’t designed to continuously work overtime without taking time to recover after. It is a common error to think that working more hours will increase your overall productivity. Employees who take regular breaks are found to not only have lowered stress levels but have shown a massive increase in their productivity upon returning to their work. It’s also equally as important for the bosses of the company to take breaks as well, as their mental state can drastically affect the outcome of a situation.
Reason #5: Your Family Bond Will Grow
Easily, the best benefit to those who go on vacations with their family is that it ultimately helps to bring them closer together. The memories gained during your travels will strengthen your bond as a family and promote healthy activities to be shared as a group. There are always activities and fun to be had on vacations and your young ones will surely thank you for showing them incredible sights and places beyond their wildest dreams. Studies have shown that families returning from vacations have shown an increase in communication as well!