Colored diamonds are a rarity, with some colors occurring much less than others. Because of that, they are highly sought-after and can be more valuable than the typical white diamonds. Partner the color with the other 3 Cs of diamond quality, and you might have something as priceless as some of the world’s most expensive jewelry.
However, how are these colored diamonds made? Plus, what colors can we expect to see?
What Colors are Available?
Although rare, scientists have found quite a range of colored diamonds. There are red, pink, blue, orange, yellow, brown, and green diamonds. However, most of these have overtones, and pure colored diamonds are extremely hard to come by and can be very valuable.
For example, a pure red diamond is still yet to be found. The most common have a reddish-brown hue or a purplish-red color.
How Colored Diamonds are Made
Colored diamonds are basically made the same way as any other diamond. They are formed under the earth’s surface from extreme pressure and temperature.
However, there are slight modifications to the way colored diamonds are made, thus achieving their fancy colors. Each color or color range is made differently. But, here is a summary of how they are made:
- Red to pink diamonds – Scientists are still debating as to how diamonds achieve a pink to red color. Red diamonds are the rarest, with pink ones right behind them along with blue diamonds. However, experts believe that the color is due to the extreme pressure the diamond gets as it rises towards the earth’s surface.
- Yellow to brown diamonds – Yellow to brown diamonds are the most common colored diamonds. They are also on the inexpensive side, especially brown diamonds. The color is due to the concentration of nitrogen found within the stones.
- Orange diamonds – Orange diamonds belong in the range of yellow to brown diamonds and is also caused by the nitrogen concentration with the stone. However, pure orange diamonds are hard to come by.
- Green diamonds – Green diamonds are one of the most unique and beautiful colored diamonds. They achieve this through natural gamma radiation.
- Blue diamonds – Although pink diamonds are among the rarest, many believe that blue diamonds are the second rarest colored diamonds. The presence of boron provides the diamond with a beautiful blue hue.
Value of Rarity
It is incredibly hard to come by colored diamonds. They also tend to be more expensive than white diamonds, except maybe yellow and brown diamonds. But despite that, their rarity makes them valuable and can be turned into a great engagement or wedding ring. For different-colored stones, you can ask custom made jewelry Vancouver jewelers make for clients.